by Simpson Landscape | Feb 23, 2015 | Ask A Question |
The Thompson Yucca grows 6–12 feet in height. They are treelike with a trunk 5-8 inches in diameter and is usually non-branching. The leaves are narrow and stiff and grow in a build that radiates near the top of the yucca. The flowering stalk holds a dense branching cluster of white flowers like oats slightly above the...
by Simpson Landscape | Feb 23, 2015 | Articles |
Originally posted on HGTV. Cold temperatures and drying winds can wreak havoc on your landscape. Here’s how you can fix the damage and prevent it in the future. Hardy Trees Can Withstand Winter’s Harsh Conditions Snow and ice can be beautiful in the winter garden. It’s peaceful to observe the serenity with a cup of hot chocolate from the comfort of your living room. It’s fun to share photos of winter beauty on social media with friends. It’s not fun, however, to discover winter damge in your landscape. Take precautions before the cold weather hits to prevent winter damage to your valuable landscape plants. If spring arrives to show that something was overlooked, cold damage can often be mended with a little elbow...
by Simpson Landscape | Feb 22, 2015 | Articles |
Originally posted on HGTV. Trendy bed head gardens are casual, effortless – even sexy. See if this fresh garden trend is right for you. Landscape designer Danilo Maffei defines a bed head garden as “an imprecise blend of structure, glamour and randomness, like…your mate who rolls out of bed, eyes droopy…hair cranked to one side, but her natural beauty shines through all the same.” Key elements include ornamental grasses, natives and drought-tolerant plants. This Pennsylvania garden, designed by Maffei, includes early and mid-season bulbs to keep the garden interesting throughout the growing season, since most of its native grasses will peak in late summer and...